May Be Up to 400 People in Evacuation Operation on State Highway Five

Sunday 4 October 2009, 11:49PM

By Hastings District Council



State Highway Five, between Napier and Taupo, has been closed by heavy snow but it’s believed up to 200 vehicles are trapped.

Most cars are believed to have stopped because of snow and ice at Waipunga, about half-way between Napier and Taupo.

There have been over 260 people at Te Pohue at the pub and community hall waiting to be evacuated.

Around 100 of those are now in transit in Army unimogs to buses at a safe point on the road, which will take them to Hukerere Girls College where a Welfare Centre has been set up.

Red Cross and Salvation Army are waiting at Hukurere Girls College, at Eskdale, to make sure evacuees are warm and feed.

Police estimate there could be up to 400 people in total to be rescued from State Highway Five.

Some people have been trapped in their vehicles for up to five hours.

Ambulances have been sent to the Welfare Centre to assist anyone who maybe effected by the cold or who have pre-existing medical conditions.

Power is out to a large section of State Highway Five, including the Te Pohue Hotel and Te Pohue Hall where evacuees went initially.

Given weather conditions, power may be out to residents for the next 24 hours as powerlines are down.

Hastings Civil Defence controller Mike Maguire says it’s thought most people have been rescued from their cars, however anyone still in their vehicle needs to stay there.

“People need to stay where they are and stay as warm as possible,” Mr Maguire says.

“When they hear or see army vehicles approaching they need to flash their lights so they can be seen.