Nick Smith rewrites history

Green Party

Monday 5 October 2009, 7:02PM

By Green Party


The Bluegreens may want to vote Green based on the National Party's list of environmental achievements, the Green Party said today.

“In a speech to the Bluegreens conference this weekend, Nick Smith claimed credit for programmes initiated by the Green Party and implemented last year, such as solar water heating grants, home insulation, the emissions trading scheme and the waste levy,” Jeanette Fitzsimons, Green Party Climate Change Spokesperson said today.

“The real story is quite different. Grants of $1,000 per solar water heater were available last year under the Green Party’s programme and have nothing to do with the current government.

“The Waste Levy was put in place by the Green Party's Waste Minimisation Bill passed in 2008, and the current home insulation scheme simply replaced a similar one the Greens negotiated in 2008, which was already in legislation.

“The ‘incentive for planting trees’ was created by last year's Emissions Trading legislation, but will be weakened by National's proposed amendments. The $12.50 ‘incentive for reducing emissions’ is half what it would be if National left the existing legislation alone.

“National’s biofuel subsidy replaced a more effective scheme which did not cost the taxpayer anything.

Against this, one could list the environmental backsliding under this Government:

- Budget for environmental education: cancelled.
- Renewable electricity preference: cancelled.
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy: cancelled
- Fuel economy standards for cars entering New Zealand: cancelled
- Minimum energy performance standards for appliances: seriously delayed
- DoC's budget: cut by $13.5m/year
- Plans to mine in National Parks

“Even if the Bluegreens have no influence on their government's environmental policy, they should at least demand truth in advertising,” Ms Fitzsimons said.

Nick Smith’s Bluegreen press release: