Canada geese a worldwide problem

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Wednesday 7 October 2009, 9:06AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Britain’s decision to declare open season on Canada geese provides just the impetus New Zealand needs to classify the bird a pest.


“These fetid vermin defile crops, pasture, waterways and wildlife habitats,” says Donald Aubrey, Federated Farmers pest management spokesperson.


“In Britain, the birds pose a similarly significant threat. The wildlife advice body, Natural England, has now given farmers troubled by the geese permission to kill them with a shotgun or rifle, or trap them in a cage or net from January 1 2010.


“Here in New Zealand, geese numbers are completely out-of-control and their excrement is having a serious impact on water quality and pasture growth. A single Canada goose produces more excrement than a sheep, with most of that ending up in our waterways.


“Farmers are sick and tired of hearing Fish and Game New Zealand’s excuses for failing to meet its statutory obligation to control the birds’ population. The hunting lobby’s inaction in controlling the geese is a deliberate ploy to spread the pest to every corner of New Zealand.


“In the South Island alone, geese numbers have climbed by an alarming 44 percent in just ten years. Fish and Game’s failure to publicly release the latest June count figures, as required under the South Island Canada goose management plan, is typical of its attempt to hide the pest’s increasing population figures.


“I’m sure South Island farmers who witness these ‘winged rabbits’ munching through hectares of feed within hours would very much like to see those figures.


“The Federation wants the Department of Conservation to go a step further than Natural England. We want Canada geese declared a fully fledged pest so farmers can destroy them without requiring an excuse.

“I understand Conservation Minister, the Hon Tim Groser, is expected to release his final decision on the status of Canada geese shortly.


“I sincerely hope, for the good of the country, Minister Groser ensures this pest is correctly managed. At the very least, DoC should directly oversee Fish & Game’s management of the pest.


“Farmers, environmentalists and the country’s airports no longer have confidence in Fish & Game’s ability to manage Canada geese. It’s mismanagement of the pest and the subsequent damage this has caused cannot go unpunished,” Mr Aubrey concluded.


To read about Britain’s decision to declare open season on Canada geese in the Times Online, please click here.