Graffiti Education Officer makes mark on city

Dunedin City Council

Wednesday 7 October 2009, 9:55AM

By Dunedin City Council



The DCC is trying education in the war against graffiti in Dunedin.

Graffiti Education Officer, Nocole Kittings, started last month on a two-year contract funded by the Ministry of Justice and will work twenty hours a week, under the supervision of Keep Dunedin Beautiful. She is based at the Dunedin Central Police Station.

Keep Dunedin Beautiful Co-ordinator, Darlene Thomson, said one of Miss Ketting’s jobs would be to talk to groups, businesses and schools about graffiti.

“Firstly the message will be that it’s not all right, that graffiti is a crime and it must be reported to the Police as soon as possible. Secondly, removing it quickly is the best way of preventing its reoccurrence,” Mrs Thomson said.

The Graffiti Officer will also be working with affected property owners on ways to remove graffiti and how to prevent it from happening again.

“The sooner it’s removed, the better,” Mrs Thomson said. “If it is painted over within 24 hours taggers soon get the message that it will not be tolerated.”

She said planting trees and shrubs, adding security lighting or water features and choosing the right colours for areas that have been a target for graffiti in the past also help to stop the problem.

Miss Kettings, a Social Work and Community Development student, will combine the position with her studies at the University of Otago.