Far North ski lane changes approved

Northland Regional Council

Friday 9 October 2009, 10:54AM

By Northland Regional Council



Local authority proposals to change ski lane and swimming areas at two popular beaches in the Far North’s Doubtless Bay have been modified after public consultation.

Jim Lyle, the Northland Regional Council’s Opua-based Deputy Harbourmaster, says the Council had received 48 formal submissions in July and August on its proposed changes from both long term residents and those who holidayed in the area.

“Essentially, the submissions fell into two basic categories; those who wanted more area to carry out water skiing, jet skiing and the like and those who didn’t.”

Mr Lyle says a Regional Council subcommittee had considered the submissions carefully and tried to reach a decision that balanced people’s right to access the water to carry out activities with its responsibility to ensure they could do so safely.

As a result, the Council was now proposing to allow a slightly increased area for water skiers above the bridge in the Taipa estuary, while still providing for a protected swimming area.


“The new demarcation line will be marked with a ski lane pole on each side of the river, and a buoy placed in an appropriate spot in the river. At the upper end no restricting line will be marked at this time, as the natural barriers of mangroves and depth of water will limit the area used.”

Meanwhile, Mr Lyle says at Coopers Beach both ski lanes will be removed on safety grounds and any high speed activity (over 5 knots) will be limited beyond 200 metres offshore.

“There’s no restriction on launching or boating at this busy beach, but care and appropriate speed must be observed to ensure the safety of all water users.”

Mr Lyle says all going well, the Council hopes to have the new regime in place by Labour Weekend.