Manufactured ACC Crisis - No Accident

Green Party

Tuesday 13 October 2009, 12:33PM

By Green Party


National is deliberately undermining ACC to soften it up for partial privatisation and planned cuts to entitlements, said the Green Party today.

“It is no accident that National is manufacturing a crisis with ACC,” said Green Party ACC Spokesperson Sue Bradford, “This is a conscious ploy to undermine ACC’s reputation to allow the Government to push for creeping privatisation.”

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman added that “New Zealand has lead the world with its no-fault injury compensation scheme. Despite this, National seems intent on undermining the principles of fair compensation and rehabilitation on which ACC is based.

“Once again National is making a situation seem much worse than it is, so that when the truth comes out people are relieved rather than angry with National for undermining our fair society,” said Dr Norman.

Contrary to the impression being deliberately given by Government and ACC chair John Judge, ACC is not losing money.

This year its revenues were $4.5 billion, which is $1.5 billion more than it spent on claims.

National is deliberately creating an atmosphere of crisis and confusion as an excuse to cut entitlements and begin partial privatisation. A major announcement is expected from John Key tomorrow.

Ms Bradford said “The rollback of access to services will impact hugely on vulnerable people who are already suffering the impacts of accident and injury, mental and physical.

“I am very concerned about recent changes that make it more difficult for the survivors of sexual violence and abuse to get the treatment and rehabilitation they need.

“It now appears that many more entitlements aimed at helping people back into work will be reduced or abolished altogether.

“The Government is also looking to use this manufactured crisis to bring in privatised case management to push claimants off the books as quickly as possible.

“This will happen through the contracting out of claims management to private companies who will then push people into work that pays far less than their pre-injury employment – or to no job at all – without providing them with adequate rehabilitation.”

Note: There is “No cuts to ACC” protest march on 12.30 pm Monday 19 October starting at the Cenotaph near Parliament.