Black Wiimote Comes With Motion Plus, Is Cheaper.

Thursday 15 October 2009, 9:20AM

By Benedict James Wee


Credit: Kotaku

Quick calculation: Wiimote NZ$100 + Wii Motion Plus NZ$45 +Wii Nunchuck NZ$50
= NZ$195, which is a pretty high price to pay for what is essentially, a one-person controller for Nintendo's console.

Thankfully, the first variant color of the bundle promises to be cheaper as the Motion Plus device comes built into the Wiimote.

The black Wiimote will retail for US$50 (NZ$68), which is US$10 cheaper than having to buy both Wiimote and Wii MotionPlus accessories separately. Don't expect us to get a major discount when it reaches our shores that match the US price but we should be paying lesser than what we'd be forking out right now.

Source: Digital Kiwi