More travel assistance and information for victims of serious crime

Saturday 17 October 2009, 9:26AM

By Simon Power


All victims of serious crime will receive increased travel assistance and more information about the justice system, Justice Minister Simon Power announced today.

"The costs associated with attending court proceedings and Parole Board hearings can be a significant financial drain on victims of serious crime," Mr Power said.

The Government funds a Travel Assistance Scheme that provides a contribution toward the cost of travel accommodation and childcare for victims of serious crime travelling to court and Parole Board hearings.

As part of eight initiatives funded from the Offender Levy to help victims of serious crime announced today, this scheme will be extended, and the maximum entitlement for travel to court under the Travel Assistance Scheme increased from $1,000 to $3,000. The maximum entitlement for travel to Parole Board hearings will be increased from $500 to $1,500.

This initiative will be implemented next month.

New information resources will also be provided for victims.

"Victims of serious crime need to have access to simple and accurate information about the criminal justice system. Currently there is limited information about the justice system that is aimed at victims.

"We are aware that victims can find criminal court processes confusing and may be unsure of how they fit in. Being informed about the process can improve victims' experiences by providing insight into where they fit within the system and what they can expect from the process.

A DVD that explains the criminal court process and information pamphlets designed specifically for victims of crime will be developed.

The pamphlets will provide information on criminal court processes and support services available to victims of crime, and the criminal justice system specific to the needs of victims of sexual violence and people affected by homicide.

The new information resources will be available in 2010.