Co-leaders welcome wise decison from wise man
Whatarangi Winiata will continue in the role of President of
the Maori Party, following a call for him to stay put by
more than 100 members gathered for the party's Hui-a-Tau
(annual general meeting) in Auckland today.
"Everyone who stood to speak on Whatarangi's resignation
appealed for him ‘not to go’," the co-leaders said.
"The influence of the President of the Maori Party has been
fundamental to our success as a political party".
"It was Matua Whatarangi who inspired the membership to
consider the value of a Party constitution based on kaupapa
Maori, the inherited values of our tupuna”.
“His vision, his strategic leadership and his political
analysis have enabled us to flourish as a movement, and we
could well understand why there was such reluctance to let
him go".
"The experience he has brought to the table has been
critical in enabling us to present an independent, Maori
voice in Parliament.
"Our party has thrived under Whatarangi's guidance, wisdom,
knowledge and love for the Maori people."
“Replacing Whatarangi would be extremely difficult and by
retaining him in the position, it enables a thorough
process of transition to find the successor for such a key
“Whatarangi announced a couple weeks ago that he intended
to retire as president so he could spend more time with his
wife, children and mokopuna. After the passionate appeal at
today's hui for him to stay, he accepted the call of the
"The hui also passed an expression of thanks to his wife
Maata Te Taiawatea (Francie), and his whanau, for their
ongoing sacrifice in sharing Matua with the Maori Party".