Government pledges $4.7 million to help save kauri
The Government is to inject $4.7 million into a programme to help save kauri trees threatened by a disease known as kauri dieback (Phytophthora taxon Agathis).
The five-year programme aims to contain the soil-borne disease, which is attacking kauri trees in the upper North Island and on Great Barrier Island.
"This disease is a serious biosecurity threat to kauri, a species that we as New Zealanders are duty-bound to protect," says Biosecurity Minister David Carter.
"The Government's $4.7 million pledge brings total funding for the future management of kauri dieback to $9.8 million. This demonstrates the importance placed on the protection of this treasured species."
Conservation Minister Tim Groser says New Zealand's ancient kauri forests are a vital part of the ecosystem as well as being part of our heritage, and must be protected for future generations.
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand, the Department of Conservation and four regional councils - Auckland, Northland, Environment Bay of Plenty and Environment Waikato - have been working together since late last year to manage the threat of kauri dieback.
Mr Carter and Mr Groser have welcomed the collaborative approach of government agencies, regional councils and Maori in working to combat the threat.
The five-year programme will cover research into the detection and spread of kauri dieback and methods to control it. A public awareness campaign to arrest its spread will also be developed.