Call to Help Plan Newlands Town Centre and Local Parks
Ideas for revitalising Newlands town centre, and creating quality parks and reserves in Newlands and surrounding suburbs, are being sought in two consultations that open today.
The draft plan for Newlands town centre sets out a future vision for its revitalisation, including improvements to the range of shops and services, quality public spaces and improved pedestrian connections.
"The plan outlines key principles to help guide change in this area and identifies a mix of possible development opportunities," says the Council's Urban Development and Transport Portfolio Leader Councillor Andy Foster.
"Two concept plans show the vision over different time frames. One is a short-term vision looking ahead five years, incorporating a potential supermarket, car parking and public space improvements in and around the main shopping area. The second concept plan looks out 20 years and identifies a number of possible development ideas.
"The plans show redevelopment possibilities for key sites within the centre, many of which are privately owned. These ideas will depend on the development plans of private landowners, but the aim of the centre plan is to identify opportunities for future investment."
The second consultation focuses on creating quality parks and reserves in Newlands, Paparangi, Grenada Village and Woodridge. It follows on from the Northern Reserves Management Plan and matters arising from its consultation.
"The Council has recently assessed the quality of the parks and reserves in these areas to see if there are any gaps or duplication," says the Council's Environment Portfolio Leader, Councillor Celia Wade-Brown.
"Some are lovely and well-used, others appear disconnected or poorly signed, while some are a quiet oasis for the surprising amount of biodiversity that still thrives in Northern Wellington.
"The assessment has identified parks and reserves that contribute to the network or have the potential to contribute more if changes or further investment are made, plus some parks with limited potential for improvement.
"The Council is keen to get people's views on the assessment findings so it can develop a 10-year plan to create a network of quality open spaces."
"We're delighted to be making connections between the potential of the natural environment and the built environment so the two aspects are being consulted on together," the two Councillors say.
Council staff will be available to answer any questions at two open sessions at the Newlands Community Centre, which also has a display about the two consultations. People can drop in anytime:
- 3.00pm - 7.00pm Wednesday 11 November
- 10.00am - 2.00pm Saturday 14 November
Further details on both consultations are available from the community centre (9 Bachelor Street), by phoning (04) 499 4444 or visiting the Public Input section on this website and commenting online.
Newlands Community Centre is open weekdays, 9.00am - 5.00pm.
Feedback on both consultations is required by 11 December 2009.