ACT Leader apologises to PM

Thursday 5 November 2009, 11:45AM

By Rodney Hide



I"I would like to apologise to the Prime Minister and my Cabinet colleagues for the comments reported in the media from a breakfast function in Christchurch. This was light-hearted banter at an ACT party function and taken out of context", Mr Hide said.

"It is no secret that the ACT Party wants National to move faster and further on a number of policy issues. That is just the reality of different political positions.

"The National Party clearly has substantial political support, and strong mandate from New Zealanders for what is a wide-ranging and active programme of reform under way, much of it dealing with the problems it has inherited from the previous administration.

"I have the highest respect for the Prime Minister, and I enjoy an excellent working relationship with him and his cabinet colleagues. I spoke with the Prime Minister shortly after hearing that my comments were to be reported, and apologised to him for that."