Maori Party on verge of disciplinary process against MP

Maori Party

Friday 6 November 2009, 4:52PM

By Maori Party


The Maori Party is very concerned that MP Hone Harawira's
behaviour in Europe, and a subsequent email that he sent,
are serious breaches of the kaupapa and tikanga of the

"Our party sets high standards of integrity for ourselves,
based on kaupapa (inherited values) of our tupuna," said
Professor Winiata.

"We expect our members, and especially our MPs as leaders
and role models, to demonstrate manaakitanga,
rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga and wairuatanga in all that
they do.

"We are very disappointed that Hone's behaviour, and his
language, fall short of expressing our kaupapa.

"The Party's constitution sets out a process for handling
inappropriate behaviour said Professor Winiata.

Professor Whatarangi Winiata, Party President