Release of section 59 review

Thursday 12 November 2009, 7:30AM

By Paula Bennett


A review of the section 59 law change has been tabled today in Parliament, says Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett.

The Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development Peter Hughes has completed his review into the effects of the Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Act.

Paula Bennett says Mr Hughes was required to review how the law was working, through available data from Police and Child Youth and Family.

"The review has found no evidence to show that parents are being subject to unnecessary state intervention for occasionally lightly smacking their children.

"I think this review goes some way to comforting parents that the law is being interpreted in the way it was intended.

"However, in light of the Citizens Initiated Referendum on this issue, a further report is still being undertaken by Police Commissioner Howard Broad, Mr Hughes and Nigel Latta," Paula Bennett says.

It is due with the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Police and Social Development and Employment before the end of the year.

That report will review policies and procedures to identify any changes that may be necessary to ensure that good parents are treated as Parliament intended and the provisions of the law are applied to those who abuse children.

20091110 CE Monitoring Report on s59 (pdf, 777 Kb)