Minister to attend world food security summit
Agriculture Minister David Carter will lead a New Zealand delegation to the World Summit on Food Security and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Conference in Rome next week.
The Summit is attended by Heads of State, Ministers and government officials, as well as representatives of United Nations agencies.
Mr Carter says the challenges posed by climate change to food security and agriculture will be top of the New Zealand agenda and the Summit will be a valuable opportunity to further build support for the Global Alliance.
"There is an urgent need for more international research and investment into new technologies to help reduce agriculture-related emissions, and for greater coordination of existing efforts.
"New Zealand is already well positioned to make a significant contribution to the Global Alliance because of our knowledge of pastoral livestock emissions."
Mr Carter will chair a Roundtable Meeting on Climate Change at the Summit and will raise the issue in bilateral meetings with several of his counterpart Ministers.
He will also host an event for supporters of the Global Alliance, including the United States, India, Brazil, France and China.
"As a leading food exporter with world-class expertise in agricultural production, New Zealand knows only too well the importance of global food security.
"I am pleased that New Zealand will join with other countries in Rome in adopting a Declaration on Food Security and demonstrating a global commitment towards a common food security agenda," Mr Carter says.