Government to look at name suppression recommendations

Monday 16 November 2009, 5:16PM

By Simon Power


The Government will look at recommendations in the Law Commission's report Suppressing Names and Evidence, says Justice Minister Simon Power.

"These issues are at the heart of the justice system, and the Government will be looking closely at what this report says.

"In particular, I note its recommendation of a clearer test for name suppression.

"There is merit in having tougher standards before people can get name suppression, and in specifying in legislation the grounds on which suppression can be granted.

"There also needs to be a real discussion around the presumption of temporary name suppression, and around renewal of temporary orders.

"I believe a good case can be made for tightening up the procedure for temporary orders.

"We must continue to ensure that, wherever possible, what happens in court is transparent.

"But that must be balanced by the need to protect the administration of the system and the right of every defendant to a fair trial.

"I'm also very interested in the notion of a national register of court suppression orders and in moves to deal with the issue of controlling suppressed information on the Internet.

"The relationship between the Internet and court proceedings is something that needs to be looked at."