Summer scholarships a success

Wednesday 18 November 2009, 5:19PM

By Anne Tolley


The Government's summer research scholarships scheme has proved to be a success says Tertiary Education Minister Anne Tolley.

"I'm delighted that so many students have taken the opportunity to apply for these $5,000 scholarships," says Mrs Tolley.

"The idea came out of the Prime Minister's Job Summit earlier in the year, following concerns from universities that there weren't enough job opportunities for students to boost their finances during the holiday period.

"We set aside $4 million in Budget 2009 to fund this initiative, which will see 1,600 university students undertake study in their chosen academic field, while earning money over the summer months.

"Some of the students will begin their research this week and I'm advised that demand for places has been incredible.

"The universities, which allocated the places, have matched the Government's investment in the scheme dollar for dollar. This kind of partnership is exactly what New Zealand needs to grow our knowledge base for the future."