Richard Gage On Radio NZ On Saturday Morning

Clare Swinney

Friday 20 November 2009, 9:04PM

By Clare Swinney


Updated 11.30am, 21st of Nov.

Richard Gage, who is in New Zealand now,  was on the Kim Hill show at 9.05am Saturday, the 21st of November.  For those who missed the show, there is a link to the podcast here:  

The following is the blurb from Radio New Zealand about Richard Gage:

9:05 Richard Gage
Richard Gage is a member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a collaboration of more than 874 architectural and engineering professionals who are re-examining the high-rise collapses of the World Trade Centre buildings in the light of scientific evidence that the collapses of the Twin Towers
and WTC Building 7 were not adequately explained by the official theories outlined in the 2002 FEMA and 2005 and 2008 NIST reports. Richard will speak at a free public seminar, The Architecture of Destruction, at Te Papa on Saturday 21 November 21 from 2:00pm.


Fair & Balanced Article in Wellington Paper About Richard Gage & What Happened On 9/11

Give Truth This Christmas

WSFM 101.7 FM Sydney Radio Interview Richard Gage from AE 9/11 Truth