Linking Dunedin to the world

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 24 November 2009, 1:51PM

By Dunedin City Council



The DCC has announced the name of the consultants who will identify opportunities and options for inclusion in the preparation of the city’s digital communication strategy.

A multi-discipline Dunedin City Digital Communications Group, under the chairmanship of city councillor Dave Cull, having considered applications from six companies, has invited Effectus Ltd, a business consultancy specialising in information and communications technology and performance improvement services to facilitate the Group’s strategy development.

When complete the strategy, which will be community not Council focussed, will enhance Dunedin and the surrounding regions’ digital communications capacity.

“Dunedin is as far from the world’s main centres of population, commercial, financial and political influence as it’s possible to get” says Cr Cull.

“In the 19th century this tyranny of distance was overcome by the railways and was superseded in the 20th century by the motor car. Now, with oil running out digital connection will be both a communications medium and a de facto transportation mode - and Dunedin has more reasons than most to be on board.”

The Digital Communication Group, while set up by the DCC, includes representatives from health, IT business sector, education, the Community Trust and the DCC’s infrastructure provider Aurora.

Cr Cull points out “Digital connectivity is not just about sheaths of expensive fibre optic cable under the city’s streets. It’s about promoting the capability for its use within the communities and ensuring its delivery is both accessible and affordable.”