Final coastal setback lines confirmed for Coromandel Peninsula

Thames Coromandel District Council

Friday 27 November 2009, 8:24AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Only a handful of Coromandel Peninsula landowners have been adversely affected by the findings of a review of the primary development setbacks for coastal development just completed by the Thames-Coromandel District Council.

Letters have been sent to all affected landowners to inform them that the review has been completed and that a report "Coromandel Beaches - Coastal Hazards: Review of Primary Development Setback at Selected Beaches" has been posted on the Council website under "Consultations and Submissions/Coastal Hazards".

The review identified two new areas where primary development setbacks were needed - at Port Charles and Matapaua Bay - and they will be applied to new developments.

Primary development setbacks have also been reviewed at the following Coromandel beaches: Whangamata, Tairua, Maramaratotara, Buffalo Beach, Brophy's Beach, Wharekaho, Hahei, Opito Bay, Kuaotunu East, Rings Beach, Matarangi, Whangapoua, Kennedy Bay, Sandy Bay, Te Puru, Tararu, Waiomu and Waikawau.

In most cases the reviewed primary setback is unchanged, or has moved seaward, reducing the impact on property use. Where the setback has moved inland the change has generally been minimal.

The secondary development setback liens have not been reviewed and remain the same as identified in the Environment Waikato Coromandel Beaches 2002 report.

No decision has yet been made to change the District Plan to include the coastal development setbacks but all affected property owners will be consulted if this happens.

In the meantime, the coastal development setbacks will continue to be applied through building consents and the information will be available on Land Information Memoranda (LIMs).