Hereweka/Harbour Cone
A draft long-term plan for the Harbour Cone property, bought by Dunedin City Council last year, will come before Council for approval to take it out to public consultation.
The Harbour Cone Steering Group comprising Councillors, DCC staff and Otago Peninsula community representatives has been through a comprehensive process of gathering information, identifying and assessing the values of the property and looking at the options for preserving and enhancing those values.
Studies commissioned by the Steering Group identified heritage, cultural, and ecological values to an extent not previously realised. To set a bottom line in protecting those, the Steering Group developed the following vision:
“To maintain a working landscape and enhance landscape, ecological, recreation, cultural and heritage values of the Hereweka/Harbour Cone site through the integration of development and conservation consistent with sustainable land management practices.”
Several principles underpin this vision:
• protection of the open, intact, coherent rural character and significant landmark features;
• protection and restoration of remnant/regenerating indigenous vegetation;
• protection and recognition of archaeological sites; and
• provision for recreation.
A number of options were developed and subsequently rated against the vision and principles. The option favoured by the Steering Group retains most of the property in public ownership, continuing as a working farm and open to public access. It also envisages a small housing cluster incorporating a wetland designed to minimise impacts on both the farming operation and the identified values of the greater site, and two other small lots. Single ownership of the majority of the site will preserve the possibility of other opportunities being developed in the future, including eco-tourism, environmental education, community partnerships in restoration programmes and heritage trails.
The Steering Group feels that by enabling protection, enhancement, public access and future opportunities, the favoured option provides even more benefits to the community than was originally envisaged.
The issues impacting on Hereweka/Harbour Cone, affect the whole of Otago Peninsula. So the favoured option for the property also provides the opportunity of a way forward for the whole of the Peninsula.