Instant Biosecurity Fine Raised to $400

David Carter

Saturday 28 November 2009, 8:53AM

By David Carter


The instant biosecurity fine is to be doubled to $400 after the Biosecurity Amendment Bill passed its final reading in Parliament last night.

"The bill represents a major step towards improving border processing, while cracking down on travellers who deliberately flout our biosecurity laws," Biosecurity Minister David Carter said.

"This is an important change to biosecurity at our border and sends a clear message about how seriously the Government takes New Zealand's biosecurity protection.

"Travellers not declaring or disposing of products such as fruit and meat upon arrival pose a significant threat to New Zealand's economic, environmental, and social well-being.

"The doubling of the instant fine for not making such a declaration is an appropriate reflection of the seriousness of this offence, and will increase awareness of New Zealand's strict biosecurity measures.

As well as raising the instant biosecurity fine from $200 to $400, the bill also increases the maximum penalty for conviction in Court for the same offence from $400 to $1000.

"The speedy passing of the legalisation with support from all parties in Parliament is highly pleasing and will allow the changes to biosecurity screening to be in place at our airports by March next year," Mr Carter said.