Huge Energy Savings for Expected for DOC campgrounds

Department of Conservation

Monday 30 November 2009, 2:46PM

By Department of Conservation


The Department of Conservation (DOC) will save taxpayers thousands of dollars thanks to new energy efficiency upgrades planned for campgrounds around the country.

DOC’s has recently completed the first outfit at Peel Forest campground in Canterbury which included installations of solar panels, gas hot water systems as well five minute shower timers.

Other DOC sites planned for upgrades in the South Island include Momorangi Bay Motorcamp, and Kerr Bay. Sites on the North Island include Trounson Kauri Park in Northland, and Motutapu/Rangitoto islands in the Hauraki Gulf.

Over $20,000 will be saved on energy in these camps alone, based on current electricity and diesel prices. There is a strong focus on ‘greening’ DOC campgrounds and making them more sustainable.

Director General of Conservation, Al Morrison, said, “Energy efficient options are often seen as more expensive options, but DOC has found that they can lead to massive reductions to the bottom-line, which is good for everyone.”

“This frees up valuable resources for conservation work on the ground,” He said.

The new campground upgrades are part of a national programme which is aimed at further reducing costs for the whole Department through regular energy audits; the purchase of 70 energy efficient vehicles; and the use of rechargeable battery kits;

As a result of this work DOC’s combined national energy savings is expected to be over $650,000 annually.

The Department will ensure that upgrades meet the standards of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) who have supported DOC with the outfit of all public assets.




Additonal Information:


Technology Location Annual Savings
Solar panels Stewart Island/Rakiura $2,600
  Tiritiri Matangi Island $14,600
  Mana Island $12,956
  Hauturu/Little Barrier Island $14,600
Solar panels and energy efficiency measures Chatham Islands $10,669
Solar panels and trailer for gas bottles Northern Circuit Huts $4,000
Energy audits and integrated management actions Across DOC $200,000
200 rechargeable battery kits Across DOC $200,000
70 new energy efficient vehicles Across DOC $60,000


Annual Savings
2600 eco-bulbs $46,800
30 eco-friendly fridges $10,500
155 cylinder wraps $15,500
121 door draught stoppers $9,075
1355 m of window seal $17,000
61 future switches $3,084
100 shower heads $48,750
1100 fluoro lamps $5,775


Total Expected Annual Savings $656,809.00