Mainstream TV News Finally Refers To Climategate

Clare Swinney

Tuesday 1 December 2009, 2:06PM

By Clare Swinney


Climategate was mentioned in the mainstream TV news, but only referred to briefly during a report on TV3 last night.  A story regarding the liklihood that Prime Minister John Key will go to Copenhagen to sign the UN Treaty, mentioned that a scandal has challenged climate science.

 "Thousands of leaked emails have been pounced on by climate sceptics as proof climate scientists have been misleading about the earth's warming," it was reported, and Ian Wishart said that there was no doubt whatsoever that those involved have lied to present a unified front to the public and the media about the reality of human-caused global warming.

The information contained in the leaked emails and documents, which were released is as disturbing, as it is damning of the so-called scientists who have been most vocal about the supposed perils of manmade global warming.  The data appears to have been posted on a number of climate science websites on the 19th of November.  Some of the first ones to post it were The Air Vent, Watts Up With That, and Climate Audit.

In the UK, Australia and in Europe, the mainstream media has been reporting on this important story, but here it has been met mostly with a silence.  The media cannot be allowed to bury this matter.  It proves that man-made global warming is a fraud and that the IPCC has been colluding with criminals.  



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