Richard Gage's Auckland Presentation Silences The Debunkers

Clare Swinney

Tuesday 1 December 2009, 8:37PM

By Clare Swinney


Updated 2nd Nov.  On Monday, the 30th of November, Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, gave his final presentation in New Zealand on The Hard Evidence Down Under Tour, to an audience of 143 in Auckland, at the Trades Hall in Grey Lynn.

Says Martin Hanson who had also attended Gage’s Wellington presentation of the 21st of November, which had had over 630 attendees, “The Trades Hall was full except for two or three empty seats.”

The event began shortly after 6pm and lasted for 3 hours. A show of hands at the beginning indicated that the audience was comprised largely of people who already knew the official story of 9/11 was a hoax. Only 11 indicated that they believed the WTC buildings were brought down by jet fuel and fires, while 18 indicated they were unsure.

Evan Ward, who was recording the event said: “Richard Gage was very professional. The presentation was down-to-earth and in layman’s language, so the information was accessible to most anybody.” Ward, who has been investigating the evidence of 9/11 for approximately 3 years, said he also had learnt something new.

Brian Reiersen, an Auckland bus driver who was in the audience offers: “The information Gage presented was very hard to argue with. It was very, very good. I couldn’t fault what he had to say and any reasonable person shown this on TV would realise, given the free-fall nature of the collapses, that the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Centre, were brought down with explosives. Richard Gage proved it.”

What Reiersen found most convincing he said were the telling photos of all the cars in the vicinity of the WTC buildings that were covered in dust after the building collapses, that remnants of WTC 1, 2 and 7 were found outside the buildings’ footprints, including that huge girders were thrown 600 feet horizontally and were embedded in adjacent buildings, and that dust samples contained nanothermite.

As Gage points out, nanothermite is a highly advanced, highly energetic material that does not come from a cave in Afghanistan. Rather, evidence indicates that the explosive material, which is known as the “loaded gun” of 9/11, as it goes off when it’s ignited, was developed by US government scientists, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.

There were five or six in the audience who were obviously 9/11 truth debunkers initially says Reiersen. “I was sitting behind them. They were lawyers and intelligent, yet paradoxically they believed the official story. Gage easily handled their questions and then they became silent. He’s a very, very professional person and exposed that there was a monster cover up.”

Near the conclusion of the presentation, Gage asked for a show of hands of those who still believed the official story and only one raised a hand, while five indicated they were still unsure.

Reiersen, who walked behind the deflated debunkers following the event, heard one of them say that they had a lot to think about now.

The 1st of December is Gage’s last night in New Zealand on this tour. He is flying out tomorrow morning to Japan for the start of the 7-city Japan Truth tour, which kicks off on the 4th of December and said he’s particularly looking forward to meeting Yukihisa Fujita, the Japanese politician who has been challenging the official account of 9/11 in the political arena.

He said he regards the New Zealand tour as a huge success, largely owing to the mainstream media coverage it got. Gage was on Close Up, the country’s most popular current affairs program, and on Radio NZ’s popular Saturday morning show with Kim Hill. While he said the latter interview was not very good, he believes it helped to attract a lot of attention to the tour.

It also appears to have attracted a lot of attention to Radio NZ. Mark Cubey, the producer of the Kim Hill show advised via e-mail on the 2nd of November, that Hill has received over 350 e-mails from listeners regarding the interview, a representative sample of which she read out on air on the 28th of November. If the comments she read out are anything to go by, as they included: “Poorest interview I have ever heard…corporate whore..”, “Disgusting piece of trash..she should be fired,” “What a horrible stupid vile woman,” “Most dreadful interview…,” the Gage-Hill interview will likely go down in Radio NZ history, as one of their worst ever.

The night before he left New Zealand, I asked Richard Gage if he had anything he wanted to convey to the people of New Zealand. He replied that everyone must make every effort to spread the truth. Inform your family, friends and colleagues, even though it might not be easy to do so. He says you must go out of your way to wake everyone you know up to what really happened on 9/11.


Richard Gage’s New Zealand Tour Getting Good Media Coverage

Richard Gage Goes Mainstream In New Zealand On The Kim Hill Show

Richard Gage’s Wellington Presentation Gets Biggest Blueprint For Truth Audience Ever

The Hard Evidence Down Under Tour 2009 - An Amazing Success!!

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