Environmental Enthusiasts Wanted
Wellington's Environmental Reference Group is looking for more members to advise the City Council on the management of the city's natural environment and environmental policies.
The group wants to involve a wide range of people of all ages and interests to look into issues such as climate change, biodiversity, reducing solid and liquid waste and sustainable use of energy.
People with knowledge and experience in these areas are needed to maintain the group's expertise. Those who already have good links to local environmental initiatives should consider putting themselves forward.
The Environmental Reference Group meets about every two months. Membership is voluntary, but a small meeting attendance allowance is paid. If you would like to be part of the group, or if your organisation wants to recommend someone, send a nomination by email or a letter to the Council.
Membership applications should include contact details and a short profile with information about:
qualifications, technical expertise or work experience in the environmental field
knowledge of local opportunities and priorities in Wellington
enthusiasm for environmental issues and involvement in practical initiatives in the home, workplace or community.
Applications should be mailed to Sharon Bennett at Wellington City Council:
Address: PO Box 2199, Wellington
Email: sharon.bennett@wcc.govt.nz
Fax: (04) 801 3231
The closing date for nominations is 5.00pm Wednesday
23 December. Environmental Reference Group members will conduct the selection process.