Kedgley applauds Foodstuffs for country of origin initiative

Green Party

Friday 10 August 2007, 3:48PM

By Green Party


Green Party Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is delighted that Foodstuffs New Zealand has agreed to label its meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, in response to overwhelming consumer demand generated in part, by the Greens’ campaign for mandatory country of origin labelling.

“It is great that our largest, New Zealand owned supermarket has listened to consumers and has responded to their call,” Ms Kedgley says.

“Clearly, New Zealanders are vitally interested in knowing where their food comes from, and have reacted to our campaign by demanding this information from their supermarkets and other retailers.

“Sensibly, Foodstuffs has answered our call, and we congratulate them for doing so. By taking this initiative, they have thrown down the gauntlet to their competitors to follow suit. I look forward to other supermarkets being just as responsive to consumer demand,” Ms Kedgley says.

“It is still important that there are regulations mandating the labelling of fresh and single component food, however. There are many retailers selling fresh meat and produce around New Zealand, and all of them should be required to inform consumers where their food comes from.

“If it remains entirely voluntary, labelling will be uneven, and retailers may label where they believe it will benefit them, and avoid labels if they believe it won’t help their business.

“Besides, it is a basic consumer right to know where our food comes from. Consumers want to know for a variety of reasons – so that they can support local businesses, and avoid food from countries with a poor food safety record, for example,” Ms Kedgley says.