Close Up Viewers Poll Indicates 77% Don't Buy The Man-Made Global Warming Lie

Clare Swinney

Wednesday 9 December 2009, 9:13AM

By Clare Swinney


Air Con By Ian Wishart
Air Con By Ian Wishart Credit: Ian Wishart
Jeremy Morrison In Wellington On the 5th of Dec
Jeremy Morrison In Wellington On the 5th of Dec Credit: Jeremy Morrison

Last night, on TVNZ's popular current affairs program, Close Up, climate change was discussed and the public asked to vote via a text message for whom they deemed the most compelling. And good news, a massive 77% voted in support of journalist and climate change skeptic, Ian Wishart, while a mere 23% supported wealthy businessman Gareth Morgan, who said he believes climate change is manmade.

Wishart, who wrote the book Air Con, said the evidence pointed to the causes of climate change being natural and referred to the e-mails leaked from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit,  which have exposed that the science supporting man-made global warming has been doctored. He also referred to the massive amount of funding the people churning out the data to support the man-made theory have been paid, including that the crook at the centre of the Climategate scandal, Phil Jones is reputed to have received a massive US $22 million.

In contrast, the multimillionaire Morgan, who has written Poles Apart on the issue of climate change, said he was “only interested in the science” and he believed the evidence is very much in favour of manmade causes, while admitting it has not yet been proven that global warming is manmade. Morgan did not appreciate the significance of the e-mails that were leaked from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, and evidently was unaware that "man-made global warming" has been exposed as a giant hoax.

Presenter, Mark Sainsbury, broached the topic of a global government being formed by way of the Copenhagen treaty and looked surprised when Wishart advised him about the clause in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that may be used for establishing a one world government. This is on page 18, at Article 38, in the draft copy dated September the 15th and states: “The scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention will be based on three basic pillars: government; facilitative mechanism; and financial mechanism...” The goal of establishing a one world government is not new. The ideals can be traced back in history. The Romans attempted to create their own version of a World Government, but were stymied by their inability to manipulate the people. Now, owing to the television, the widespread use of propaganda and censorship, amongst other factors, the scales have tipped more in the elites’ favour.  Let's tip them back in ours!

  Watch the clip of the discussion below, from