How to support good causes this Christmas
Claire Sawyers of DonateNZ says it’s easy for people to reach out this Christmas and help those less fortunate, thanks to the list of all charity appeals, volunteer requirements, good gifts and fundraisers released today by the DonateNZ website.
“Make it your goal to do at least one charitable thing from the list and together, we can all help make a more Merry Christmas for those less fortunate. Take the time to forward the list on to others so they can find out how to help too” says Claire.
Normally at Christmas people are rushing around; spending and stressing about the cost of Christmas – which has helped inspire Claire to focus this month on easy ways to be a “do-gooder” this holiday season, by donating goods or time.
There are so many things people can do to help others in the community; from volunteering time helping the Life Education Trust pack Christmas boxes for needy families, or by offering to help collect for the Auckland City Mission, or the SAFE annual appeal.
If time is a limited resource, then choose to help by dropping a present for those less fortunate under Kmart’s Wishing Tree, supporting the Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch City Missions. The DonateNZ website lists locations nationwide for this appeal, as well as a number of other collections throughout the country.
A relatively new initiative from charities worldwide which is swiftly picking up pace, is charity gift cards. Those like Oxfam Unwrapped allow the giver to choose from a number of different options of life-changing gifts – but the spin is, the gift goes to those who most need it in developing countries.
By donating $25 to the Fred Hollows Foundation, people will be able to get their back their sight. One must say these are really the gifts that keep on giving.
Claire says “There are millions of people less fortunate than ourselves throughout NZ and worldwide, we should make it our goal to take the time to do at least one thing from the many options available this Christmas to help, it would be great for people to share their choice of giving with others so they can help too. Together, we can make a huge difference!”
Helpful link to help you make your charitable gift giving a little easier this year - How to support good causes this Christmas.