New Zealand vs Australia Race Walking Test Announced

Athletics New Zealand

Friday 11 December 2009, 11:34AM

By Athletics New Zealand


New Zealand will compete against international race walking powerhouse Australia in a Test Match in Hobart early next year.

The Test Match will see up to four male and four female competitors from each contry race over 20km on 13 February.

A trial to select the team will be held at Douglas Track in Waitakere on 10 January. The winners and runners-up in both the mens and women's competitions in the trial will be automatic selections, while the next finishers will be subject to a qualifying time to make the team, 1hr 50min for men and 2hr 8min for women.

In announcing the match, Athletics New Zealand's Sport Manager Brett Addison said, "This competition is long overdue, with twenty eight years since the last New Zealand vs Australia teams race walking competition. It's a fantastic concept and we have been fortunate that Mike Parker and David Lonsdale of Race Walking New Zealand have done so much work setting up the test match."

Parker said "The most significant thing about this forthcoming Oceania Race Walking Trophy is that it is the first time for sixteen years that New Zealand race walkers will have the opportunity to compete as a team in some form of international competition. This can only improve the standard of our best walkers, athletes who might not be able to aspire to higher levels of competition.

"Such an event as this one, held bi annually might just provide the impetus for one or two of them to make the break through to that next level. We have had years where only our elite NZ walkers, and they come along so rarely, are able to aspire to Olympic and Commonwealth Games selection. This competition is all about making an initial step towards bridging the international gap and improving our overall standard along the way."