Mammoth effort by Manawatu schools with iMove

Wednesday 16 December 2009, 9:20AM

By Sport Manawatu



Over 1,700 Manawatu students from 21 schools took part in the iMove programme during term four; biking and walking to school instead of being dropped off in cars.

“It was great to see students keeping themselves safe by wearing their high visibility vests on the roads and being sensible cyclists and pedestrians,” said Michelle Allan, Sport Manawatu’s iMove Coordinator.

“iMove has also helped reduce congestion around school gates with less students being dropped off and picked up in cars. A big thanks to those parents who helped to encourage their children to get involved and be active on their way to school,” says Mrs Allan.

Term four winner of the iMove “Most Participants” trophy - Manawatu District, was Tokomaru School who had the highest percentage of students involved in iMove with 91% walking and cycling to school.

“We were thrilled to win the trophy this term,” says Mel Bismark of Tokomaru School. “We’re only a small school but we really encouraged everyone to give it a go. It’s wonderful that our efforts have been recognised in this way. We’ll definitely be keen on participating again next year,” says Ms Bismark

Horowhenua winner was Foxton Primary School with 76% of students walking and cycling to school.

If schools are interested in trying out iMove they should contact Sport Manawatu or visit