Job tracking tool launched

Wednesday 16 December 2009, 9:58AM

By Paula Bennett


A new programme for measuring changes in the labour market was launched today by Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett.

Jobs Online monitors the number of skilled vacancies advertised on the main internet job boards. It tracks the number of job ads at an occupational, regional and industry level providing an indication of the strength, or weakness of the labour market.

"We can now see with greater accuracy where demand is for certain jobs, what sectors and regions are experiencing a growth in vacancies and where there are skills shortages," Ms Bennett said.

"It's important because it also allows agencies to address those shortages, and the number of vacancies is one of the many indicators used to assess the economy's health."

"The November report from Jobs Online indicates that from August to November the number of ads for skilled jobs increased by 1.5%."

The Department of Labour's Jobs Online replaces the previous Job Vacancy Monitoring Programme that measured newspaper job advertisements in 25 metro and regional newspapers.

Internet advertising is now the main method for notifying jobseekers of job vacancies.

The results from Jobs Online are presented as an index, which measures the change in the number of job ads rather than the absolute number of vacancies.

The Department of Labour will be releasing monthly statistics of changes in job vacancies.

This will help the Department, market participants and economic forecasters by providing robust indicators of change in the labour market.

It is available from