Queenstown Lakes District Council appoint new CEO
The Queenstown Lakes District Council will have a new chief executive at the helm in the New Year.
“The council has offered the position to Ms Debra Lawson, and she has accepted,’ QLDC Mayor Clive Geddes said.
The group chief executive of the Wandle Housing Group in South London for 17-years, Ms Lawson located to New Zealand earlier this year and currently resides in Kapati. “Ms Lawson has had significant experience in both the private and public sector,” Mr Geddes said.
Her previous responsibilities included:
Chair of the Board of Directors, Windsor Housing Association 1993-1997 (board member 1993-2002)
Director Sustainable Energy Action and Renewable Energy in the Urban Environment 2005-2009
Company Secretary Women’s Pioneer Housing 1988-2005
Southwark Local Strategic Partnership 2003-2006
Housing Corporation Statutory Appointee 2005-2009
A competitive triathlete (having represented Great Britain in six World Championships) Ms Lawson was looking forward to the challenge afforded by the new role.
“I am absolutely delighted to be a part of this community and look forward to serving the ratepayers of the Lakes District,” Ms Lawson said. The role was both exciting and challenging, she said.
Outgoing chief executive Duncan Field, who has served in the position for 12-years, wished Ms Lawson well in her new role, and in working with a staff he described as “excellent”.
“I am entirely comfortable with the decision and I am very much looking forward to spending some time relaxing with my family,” Mr Field said.
He looked forward to new challenges in the New Year.
In making the announcement Mayor Geddes paid tribute to Mr Field.
“On behalf of the community I want to take the opportunity to thank Duncan for the enormous contribution he has made to this council and the Lakes District over the last decade and more. His work has been invaluable,” Mr Geddes said.
Ms Lawson would take up her new responsibilities in March, 2010.