Lord Monckton On The Alex Jones Show: On Being Assaulted, World Government & More

Clare Swinney

Friday 18 December 2009, 7:15PM

By Clare Swinney


For those who missed it, the eloquent treaty expert, who was an adviser to Margaret Thatcher, Lord Christopher Monckton was on the Alex Jones show today. He reported that he was abused physically at the Copenhagen conference on climate change. He says he was knocked to the ground and became unconscious, owing to the actions of a Danish policeman under the control of the UN. He also reported on what he believes will eventuate from the conference. He said he expects a form of world government to rear its ugly head from this anti-democratic charade and offers advice on how people can counter the unelected communists push for power. The interesting 51 minute audio clip can be downloaded in MP3 format from the link here:


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