Human Rights Review Tribunal appointments

Saturday 19 December 2009, 7:57AM

By Simon Power


Nine new panel members have been appointed to the Human Rights Review Tribunal, Justice Minister Simon Power announced today.

Those appointed are:


  • Gavin Cook, JP - of North Shore, served as a panel member of the tribunal from 1999-2005.
  • Wendy Gilchrist - has a nursing background in research, international technologist training and business ownership, and is involved in numerous community organisations in Christchurch.
  • Dr Susan (Huhana) Hickey - is a South Auckland solicitor and consultant with a strong background in human rights law, particularly in relation to the disability sector.
  • Mike Keefe, JP - of Rotorua, has had a long career with the New Zealand Police.
  • Pastor Ravi Musuku - is experienced in working with diverse communities through his pastoral work at Hillsborough Baptist Church in Auckland.
  • Brian Neeson - is a former Member of Parliament (1990-2002) and elected member of the Waitemata DHB and the Massey Community Board.
  • Selma Scott - of Christchurch, is a Samoan barrister with extensive legal, justice, housing and accident compensation experience.
  • Hon Ken Shirley - is a former Minister of the Crown with organisational management and governance experience, and is based in Waikanae.
  • Moana Sinclair - is a part-time Wellington barrister with knowledge of international law on human rights.

"I'm confident these people bring to the tribunal a high level of diversity and expertise in the matters that are likely to come before it. Collectively, they provide an excellent balance of experience in law and knowledge of the issues which make up New Zealand society," Mr Power said.

The tribunal is chaired by Auckland lawyer Royden Hindle.

The new members join four recently reappointed members:

  • Patsi Davies, of Hamilton.
  • Jacqueline Grant, of Hokitika.
  • Sue Ineson QSM, of Otaki.
  • Dr Andrew Trlin, of Waikanae.