TCDC signs off on 50 year preferred future for Coromandel Peninsula

Thames Coromandel District Council

Monday 21 December 2009, 10:57AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Thames-Coromandel District Council is the first of the funding agencies in the Coromandel Blueprint project to officially sign off on the preferred future identified after two years of consultation and research.

The Coromandel Blueprint project is a joint initiative between TCDC, Environment Waikato, Department of Conservation and Hauraki Whaanui to develop a 50 year vision for the Coromandel Peninsula from a land use planning perspective.

TCDC also signed off on the next stage of the project at the December Council meeting - an intensive Local Area Blueprint (LAB) process that will take the preferred future out into seven defined areas for localised input - and a full District Plan review to take place concurrent with and after the LAB process.

The Council was told that much of the LAB work will be used to inform the District Plan review.

A project plan is to be put to Council in the new year that will detail what needs to be done and when in order to meet the proposed 2011 plan notification goal.