Tairua Campground offer made to ratepayers association
Thames-Coromandel District Council has offered the Tairua Residents and Ratepayers Association (TRRA) a contract to open and run the Tairua Campground through until 31 March next year.
Provided the TRRA is able to put in place the necessary insurance cover, have the campground licensed and get the facilities inspected for electrical and sanitary requirements quickly it could be possible for the campground to be re-opened for the summer holiday period.
Mayor Philippa Barriball says that a number of people within the Tairua community were indicating that they were prepared to get involved in running the campground. What Council is done is agree to give the Association a lease to enable the community to make this happen.
Council will do everything it can to support this process occurring as quickly as possible. In this regard it has already forwarded a draft lease agreement and has arranged for staff to be available to quickly process a camp ground license application.