Cannabis Party salutes Dakta Green's stand as staunch Legaliser

Friday 15 January 2010, 11:43PM




Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party congratulates Dakta Green and his Auckland Daktory Club membership for heavily pushing cannabis law reform to the fore again in New Zealand after many years of being put on the back burner by establishment, bureaucracy and media.

ALCP totally supports appropriate civil disobedience to raise awareness of glaring anomalies in New Zealand's justice system, including counter-productive 'crime prevention' policing, and highly questionable legal status of marijuana alongside alcohol and tobacco.

Marijuana is NZ's crucial law and order/community well-being/human rights issue: "The ongoing third-class-citizen status of the nation's estimated half million marijuana consumers is unacceptable in a civil society."

ALCP members applaud the stance of "Live like it's Legal" and front page coverage in the Sunday News, featuring Dakta Green - who stood for the Party in the 2009 Mt Albert by-election. Dakta has openly operated Auckland's ground breaking cannabis club since November 2008. "It is inspiring to see determined Daktavists thumbing noses at unjustifiably harsh laws which could see them facing up to 7 years jail."

"We are appalled at the further violation of Dakta Green's civil rights by the police confiscation of his phone and computer. The Police have taken his tools to defend himself!"

The Misuse of Drugs Act makes provision for regulated sale of restricted psychoactive substances – a.k.a. Class D. Put cannabis in the "restricted substance regulations" suggests ALCP - it's about time some logic was applied to the market which is currently poorly controlled. Auckland's Daktory has demonstrated a successful implementation of the R18 responsible trade and use provisions.

It is time for change around the world as California's State Legislature's Health and Safety committee has approved the community model for marijuana. Cannabis clubs have lead the way.

ALCP also defends the good Dakta's stance against the derogatory remarks about pot smokers by the Northland Returned Services Association [RSA]. Dakta Green cannot be condemned as having no support when 62% of STUFF.CO.NZ voters supported his reform call.

As champions against repression in previous eras, the RSA should be cheering on the new generation of freedom fighters, and be wary of establishment propaganda, bullying, threat of jail and confiscation of property. Similar tactics were used by the Nazis! Not acceptable then and not acceptable now. We call on the RSA to stand up for this generation against oppression.

Party analysts respectfully suggest RSA in Northland may be seeing the results of the huge prohibition economy up north, including general disrespect for authority - "Please don't blame cannabis for what prohibition is doing"

Changing cannabis laws will raise consciousness and tolerance amongst Kiwis and bring old and young together more than any other initiative.

ALCP supports the plan to extend Daktory 'harm reduction' services across NZ.

It is time Government recognised a regulated Green market is much safer, fairer and realistic for New Zealand than maintaining 'at all costs' a dishonest Black Market.