CAFCA's Historic Comalco Comic Now Online

Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa

Tuesday 19 January 2010, 8:53AM

By Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa


“Power Junky”, CAFCA’s famous historic Comalco comic (1977; updated 1982; text by Pete Lusk, drawing by Ron Currie) is now available online. Obviously some of the facts and details have changed in the ensuing 30+ years but, sadly the great bulk of it is just as relevant today, because NZ is still saddled with Rio Tinto Aluminium NZ’s Bluff smelter. It remains the single biggest user of electricity in the country and the beneficiary of a top secret mates’ rates power price.

The 40 page classic comic can be read at:

It has been uploaded, along with two other historic CAFCA publications – a 1975 booklet on the proposed Mt Davy coal scheme on the West Coast (still very relevant today) and issue 2 of Foreign Control Watchdog (issue 1 seems to be lost in the mists of time. Perhaps we should ask the SIS if they can give us a copy from their archive).

All up, 103 separate publications are now online at covering the period 1974-99 inclusive (Watchdogs from 1999 onwards are already online at

Many thanks to Lynda Boyd for all her hard work on this mammoth task.