Slow Down in Tinakori Road
We're lowering the speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h in Tinakori Road through the Thorndon shops. The new speed limit will be in place from Tuesday 26 January - covering 170 metres from Upton Terrace to Lewisville Terrace.
The Council's Senior Traffic Engineer, Stuart Bullen, says the speed limit is being reduced for safety reasons.
"Public consultation on the speed limit change was carried out last year with overwhelming support from the community."
We plan to gradually reduce speed limits over the next four years through most of the city's shopping areas.
About 100 pedestrians are injured each year in Wellington and 80 percent of those accidents occur in shopping centres. We expect the lower limit will reduce the severity of crashes.
Speed limits have been lowered from 50 km/h to 30 km/h along parts of Willis Street and Lambton Quay, and from 50 km/h to 40 km/h in 33 residential streets in Newtown and the Riddiford Street shopping area.