Minuit Contribute Artwork For Art Loves Haiti

Thursday 21 January 2010, 2:49PM

By Isaac Promotions


Minuit Contribute Artwork For Art Loves Haiti
Minuit Contribute Artwork For Art Loves Haiti Credit: Isaac Promotions

Minuit have contributed artwork from their recent album ‘Find Me Before I Die A Lonely Death Dot Com’ to Art Loves Haiti – a collective auction of artwork that donates directly to the children and families affected by the earthquake Haiti on 12 January, 2010. Proceeds from this auction will go to Save the Children Haiti Emergency Appeal.

Art Loves Haiti was conceived on January 14, 2010, when artist Sarah Larnach and musician Pip Brown auctioned a rare piece of Ladyhawke artwork to contribute to the aid effort in Haiti. The auction received an overwhelming response from compassionate individuals wanting to help. Larnach’s sister, Emily Sanson-Rejouis, lost her husband and two young daughters in the earthquake. Art Loves Haiti aims to relieve the suffering, and help rebuild the lives of other children and their families affected by the tragedy.

Three photographic prints of original artwork from latest Minuit album cover are signed by the band, framed together in sequence, and are currently up for auction on Trade Me. The artwork was made by Minuit’s singer, Ruth Carr, for their latest album cover. It involved a month of her separating 'hundreds and thousands' with tweezers into different colour groupings and then creating new colour variations to emphasise different parts of the world.

Larnach is also calling for other artists, big or small, to donate a piece with all proceeds going to Save the Children who are on the ground in Haiti. Anyone who would like to donate art can contact Sarah via:

Minuit’s Art For Haiti artwork listing can be found:

All other artworks on auction can be found here:

Current auctions close Wednesday 27 January.

The earthquake affected 1.8 million people living in Haiti. The death toll has been estimated to be 100,000 or higher. Save The Children has over 200 staff on the ground in Haiti, with the priority of saving children’s lives by distributing emergency aid, including food and medical supplies and field hospitals to provide children and families with life-saving assistance. They are setting up spaces where children are protected from abuse, exploitation, and family separation and are able to access safe and quality education. Money raised from the Art For Haiti online auctions will certainly be going to a very worth cause.