NZ gives further $1 million to Haiti relief efforts

Wednesday 27 January 2010, 9:23AM

By Murray McCully


New Zealand will make a further $1 million available to support relief and recovery efforts in Haiti, Foreign Minister Murray McCully announced today.

"New Zealanders have seen the near total destruction which this quake has caused and have been moved by the human cost of this disaster," Mr McCully said.

"The disaster has severely affected three million people, with a large number in need of urgent assistance. It is likely that the death toll will continue to climb.

"It is important that New Zealand is part of the international response, aimed at getting food, water, fuel and medical supplies to those that most need them.

"The Government will continue to monitor the situation in Haiti and talk to our international partners to consider what further support we can provide."

Today's announcement brings the total amount of aid provided by New Zealand to Haiti to $2 million. The initial contribution of $1 million will be channelled through the United Nation's World Food Programme, which is aiming to provide emergency food aid to 2 million people for up to six months.