Air New Zealand slams Investigate Magazine report

Air New Zealand

Wednesday 15 August 2007, 3:38PM

By Air New Zealand


A report released today by Investigate magazine is sensationalist and riddled with factual errors, says Air New Zealand.

Air New Zealand General Manager Airline Operations and Planning Glen Sowry said the airline had made no secret that it had flown two charter flights into commercial airports in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates carrying Australian Defence Force personnel, and a flight from Darwin to a commercial airport in Hiroshima to return US Defence Force personnel to their base in Japan after a training exercise.

“The flights referred to have been widely publicised within the company and have also been openly discussed in the market place,” he said.

Investigate magazine failed to put a number of allegations about its charter service in today’s story to Air New Zealand for comment prior to publication.

These included the suggestion that flights were escorted in by fighter jets, which was a complete nonsense, Mr Sowry said.

“In flying such charter operations, Air New Zealand flies standard commercial air routes and operates to and from airports that meet all the normal commercial requirements required by Air New Zealand for our standard passenger operations.”

Government officials were advised before the charter operations were committed to and operated.

Mr Sowry said the airline would be making a formal complaint to the New Zealand Press Council about today’s article.

Air New Zealand also had grave concerns about the content of the article to be published tomorrow based on the inaccuracies in today’s item.

“Clearly for Investigate magazine, the desire to boost circulation has compromised any pretence at journalistic integrity.”