Saffron Thistle Watch On

Wednesday 27 January 2010, 4:45PM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council




Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is reminding farmers to keep a watch out for new outbreaks of saffron thistle.

Saffron thistle - Carthamus lanatus - is a total control plant pest in Hawke’s Bay, and now is the best time to identify this weed with its bright yellow flower.

The thistle was originally native to the Mediterranean region and likes dry north or west facing slopes, so has established in some of the more arid areas of Hawke’s Bay such as the Havelock Hills and Maraekakaho.

“Property owners in these areas work to control the weed, but the Regional Council needs to hear from any other farmers if they have new patches of the plant on their land,” said Peter McIntosh biosecurity officer.  He says that landowners can contact the plant pest team on 0800 108 838.

 Saffron thistle is very hardy, prickly and woody. It can grow to over a metre high and, due to its heavy seed falling near to the parent plant, it can form impenetrable stands. This thistle species is very spiky and the dry sharp spikes get into wool and the spines cause injury to stock especially around the mouth, eyes and hooves.

Once identified, landowners can control the plant by spraying with specific herbicides in spring. As plants mature they become very woody and will need to be grubbed out or topped before seed becomes viable.