Maori Party says minimum wage is defining issue

Pita Sharples

Thursday 28 January 2010, 8:12AM

By Pita Sharples


The Maori Party sees a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour as the absolute minimum, and the refusal of National and ACT to support such a raise as a defining issue for the Maori Party in government.

“The Maori Party has actively supported policies that we believe will promote economic growth and business development. We support families and communites taking responsibiliity for their own destiny, and not becoming dependent long-term on welfare handouts,” said co-leader Dr Pita Sharples.

“We are also firm believers in fairness and equity, and that is why we support a minimum wage of $15 per hour,” he said.

“We have urged our National Party colleagues to get real about economic recovery. As the economic gloom lifts, we can see ever more clearly the harsh reality of the working poor,” said Dr Sharples.

“With 66% of Maori earning below the median wage – that reality is felt as lower educational, health and social performance by whanau.

“We will continue to work with the government, to pull these right-wing monetarist policies back into balance, and to protect the interests of te pani me te rawakore, the alienated and the poor.

“We believe an increase to $15 per hour could be phased in incrementally if necessary, to provide immediate relief, along with the promise of a brighter future,” said Dr Sharples.