Marine Parade upgrade

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Friday 5 February 2010, 2:22PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Work is scheduled to start on a $126,000 landscaping and lighting upgrade of Marine Parade, adjacent to Queenstown Bay, on Monday, Queenstown Lakes District Council general manager community services Paul Wilson said.

It was a very much needed improvement that involved new seating, rubbish and recycling bins, improved beach access and lighting to the war memorial parade area.

"We are very conscious of the high use of the area at this time of the year, especially with the recent spell of hot weather but we need to get on with the job to ensure that landscaping settles in before winter,” he said.
The council would make every effort to limit the impact on beach goers during the short project period.

“The work is largely confined to the road side of the avenue between the memorial gates and the toilets and this area will be fully fenced during works,” Mr Wilson said.

The public would continue to have unrestricted access to the central path to the Queenstown Gardens, grass areas on the lakeside of the path and the beach.

Work is expected to take up to the end of February to complete.