Business Toolbox

Statistics New Zealand

Monday 8 February 2010, 11:04AM

By Statistics New Zealand



Today, Statistics New Zealand released Business Toolbox, a suite of online tools that provides quick and easy access to information for businesses. Business Toolbox is the latest of a series of projects to improve access to and use of official information by a wide range of users.

“Business Toolbox has been designed with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in mind, but it is a free online tool that anyone can access,” said deputy government statistician Patrick Ng. "The SME sector is spread across the country, so we have incorporated a visual mapping tool that will allow a broad audience to understand the data applicable to their industry and geography."

Business Toolbox contains two online tools: Market Mapper, which can be used to find target markets and potential customers, and Industry Profiler, which provides details on industry performance over time, staff turnover, and survival of similar-sized businesses.

For example, by using Industry Profiler businesses can search for their particular industry and view information such as survival rates and new and ceased businesses by region over the last five years. They will also be able to view average employee earnings, and total jobs filled in the industry.

The interactive Market Mapper could be used by a small business to easily create a density map of their target customers. Users will be able to create a population density map by selecting a number of characteristics, such as age, income, household composition, and family type.

“The Business Toolbox project originated as part of the Government’s improved services to business initiatives,” said Patrick. “After talking with a wide range of small business owners and advisors we came up with the concept of the business toolbox to provide relevant information that was fast, easy to access, and collated a variety of information.”

We are very pleased with the project and think it can really help with business planning, leading to growth and improvement in businesses throughout New Zealand,” said Patrick.

Business Toolbox is available on the Statistics NZ website –