Justice Minister orders report on knife crime laws

Tuesday 9 February 2010, 8:36AM

By Simon Power


Justice Minister Simon Power has ordered a report on laws around knife possession after concerns were expressed by a High Court judge last week.

Justice Raynor Asher said during sentencing for the knife murder of 26-year-old Daryl Gordon that it was maybe time for Parliament to reconsider the laws that make it an offence for someone to carry a knife without reasonable excuse.

Mr Power said today he had asked Ministry of Justice officials to look at the law.

"I'm conscious these issues have been looked at in the United Kingdom, so it's timely New Zealand looks at them too.

"We need to make sure our laws are sending a message to young people that it's totally unacceptable to have knives in public places and that there will be consequences if this happens.

"I have asked officials to look at the laws regarding the possession of knives and offensive weapons, and expect to have a report by the end of the month.

"If our existing laws need toughening, then I'll look at that."

The Summary Offences Act (s13A) provides for a penalty of up to three months in prison or a fine of up to $2,000 for possession of a knife in a public place without reasonable excuse. The Crimes Act (s202A) also makes it an offence to carry a knife in a public place without reasonable excuse, an offence which carries a penalty of up to 2 years in prison.