Minister welcomes issues paper on Misuse of Drugs Act

Saturday 13 February 2010, 2:32PM

By Simon Power


Justice Minister Simon Power has yesterday welcomed the release of the Law Commission's Issues Paper on the review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.

"The Act has not been comprehensively reviewed since its enactment 35 years ago and a first principles review was needed," Mr Power says.

"However, the Government has no appetite for proposals to make cannabis available for medicinal use.

"Likewise, the Government will not be exploring the proposal to remove the onus of proof in possession for supply cases, where it's up to the defendant to prove they did not possess the drug for supply.

"I want to make it clear the Government will make no changes to the status quo."

The Law Commission has an online consultation website for public discussion on the issues paper. Submissions close on 30 April 2010.

The Government will consider the commission's other proposals when it delivers its final report in July.