Assassination Attempt Will Blackmail Obama Into Attacking Iran

Clare Swinney

Wednesday 17 February 2010, 1:02PM

By Clare Swinney


By Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Establishment media talking points from every direction strongly indicate that a false flag attempt on President Obama’s life is being considered, to be blamed on patsies from either the “extreme” right or left, in order to silence dissent in America and blackmail Obama into launching a military assault on Iran.

Throughout the presidential campaign, the public was constantly told that Obama was an assassination target and that his safety was always in jeopardy, a claim that was given credibility after numerous odd secret service security lapses at public events where Obama really was put in danger, whether intentionally or otherwise.

This had the effect of training people to accept the inevitability of someone making an attempt on the President’s life at some point down the line.

“Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President’s Secret Service,” reported the London Telegraph.

The “gatecrashers” story also served to increase awareness about Obama being vulnerable to attack by people who can seamlessly slip through security and get face to face with the President relatively easily.

Meanwhile, the corporate media and its operatives like Glenn Beck on the phony right-wing side and establishment liberals on the phony left were busy manufacturing ready-made patsies upon which the false flag would be blamed.

Beck forwarded 9/11 truthers as the main threat to the President’s life in a ludicrous continuation of his debunked premise that people who question the official 9/11 story are somehow terrorists themselves, despite the fact that there is not one single example of a 9/11 truther committing a crime or an act of violence in pursuit of their cause.

Lumping them in with radical violent revolutionaries, Beck cited Van Jones in claiming that 9/11 truthers surround the Obama administration and strongly implied that they plan to kill Obama for failing to fulfill their aim of collapsing the system.

Watch the clip.

By hyping the threat of assassination, Beck was not only using it to demonize political groups, he was introducing the idea as a foreseeable scenario to his millions of unhinged sycophantic viewers, subtly implying that they should even try it.

Beck’s role in attempting to neutralize 9/11 truth is a measure of how successful the movement has been in taking away the tool of false flag terror from the establishment. By repeating this mantra, Beck is parroting White House talking points that stretch back to 2006. Recall that Beck was one of several neo-con talk show hosts summoned to get their marching orders from the White House in August 2007.

A document cited by President Bush in his September 2006 speech at the Capital Hilton Hotel on how to ‘win the war on terror’ cited conspiracies as one of the wellsprings of terrorism. The strategy document threatens to “address” and “diminish” the problems conspiracy theories are causing the government in fulfilling their agenda, in a similar vein to Obama regulation czar Cass Sunstein’s 2008 paper which called for banning free speech in order to crush “conspiracy theories”.

Meanwhile, the establishment left has constantly exploited, exaggerated, and outright concocted stories about Tea Party members, Ron Paul supporters and other “right wing extremists” taking guns to Obama public events in an effort to fearmonger about the President being at risk of an assassination attempt.

Beck has played both sides of the scam, proclaiming that the threat could come from “White supremacists or “9/11 Truthers” that would also like to destroy the country, and they will work with anyone they can.”

The fact that these talking points are coming from both sides of the phony political paradigm strongly suggests that a false flag is being prepared in the form of an attempt on Obama’s life that will either be blamed on the “extreme” left or the “extreme” right.

If such an incident were to occur, it would undoubtedly be exploited to the maximum by the establishment and used to silence the deafening dissent now being voiced by Americans of all political persuasions. Presuming he would survive such an attempt, it would also reinvigorate Obama’s popularity overnight and instantly provide him with the political capital needed to pursue what would otherwise have been massively unpopular policies.

People have lost all confidence in the system and the big government agenda is collapsing. The establishment needs this kind of event in order to make the people rally round the state once again.

It is clear that the neo-cons are holding Obama hostage and issuing a thinly veiled threat by repeating the mantra that the only way to save his political career and his presidency is to attack Iran. There is undoubtedly a mountain of dirt being held back regarding Obama’s past that is being used to blackmail the President into following the new world order agenda – the same as with any President before him.

A schism between hawks in the Obama administration aligned with Zionist Israel and more sober individuals is clearly causing division over how to deal with Iran, prompting Obama to warn the Israeli government that it should not launch a military attack on the Persian nation.

The neo-cons are essentially telling Obama that they will destroy him if he doesn’t follow their orders, but that they will defend him if he does play ball and launch an assault on Iran.

But a military attack launched by a President who promised peace can only enlist the support of the public if it is justified by an significantly shocking pretext – which from every indication seems likely to be an assassination attempt on Obama.

We don’t issue such bold and serious warnings lightly. A month before the swine fu outbreak, Alex Jones warned that a hoax pandemic was being prepared and that’s exactly what followed. Jones also famously predicted that a false flag attack was being readied to be blamed on Bin Laden six weeks before it happened on 9/11.

Watch the videos below in which Alex Jones explains where the next false flag threat is coming from and how it is connected to Glenn Beck’s repeated demonization of 9/11 truthers as terrorists who want to kill Obama.